We want you to be happy and 100% satisfied with your purchase. If you are not completely satisfied, we will accept returns or exchanges for all items (except customized products) within 30 days of the original delivery date. Returned items must be in original condition with no damage or missing parts.
Shipping charges are not refundable (we will pay all shipping costs, including the return shipping cost if the returned item is a result of our error*). You will be responsible for the cost of return and safe return of any product purchased after which a refund of the purchase price will be made in full, unless the goods have been miss used, or are in a condition that warrants the product non-saleable. Refunds will be credited on the same way and to the same accounts or card or if you wish, like a voucher for future purchace.
When returning an item please make sure you get a “proof of postage certificate” from the Post office (free of charge) and make sure to properly insure the item(s).
*NOTE: If you receive different from purchased color, size or item, then the mistake is our and we will pay all shipping costs, including the return shipping cost. The amount of return shipping cost is payable up to the amount of the original shipping cost.
Please use this form to request return merchandise authorization.